Sunday, June 1, 2008

yOUth COnfEreNCE!

I am soooooooooooooooooo excited for youth conference! It will be sooooo much fun and i love everyone who's going yet i am still worried about rooming assignments... There are only 2 or 3 people to a room so i am afraid, but theres no one i don't like there are just people who i don't know well enough to want to spend 3 nights with. It's ok though cuz i'll make the best of the situation and get to know that person better. I am excited anyway. We are leaving at 4 on wed. and going to the ymca in winter park and doing service. it will be fun cuz i am looking forward to the devotionals, service, and the free time with my friends so we can just chill at the pool, go skating, rock climbing, or just talk. It will be like out door ed but with the church, and way more free time (we get to bring our phones and blow dryers!) I'll post pics asap and don't worry i'll bring my camera! x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x


CiCiCiera said...

Hey Paris I'm so bumbed I can't go to youth conference!! : [ boo hoo!! I hope you have fun!!! : ]We I get back we totally have to hang out!!! Thanks for being such a great friend!! Luv Ya like a sis!! Write me back!! i miss you!!! : [

Oh do you know if brooklyn has a blogger? If you do tell me!! Luv ya!! and Thanks!! : ]

zozabel said...

Hey Paris I think next week we should get together for a sleepover...k?

zozabel said...

I hope youth conference was fun! I wonder why my ward didn't go? Well I've decided I'm getting a laptop. How cool! I have to save up though! it means more blogging and stuff though now! i chat me as soon as possible.